Embody Your Energy

60. Fashion And Personal Growth with Helen Reynolds

Charlotte Carter

Do you ever get dressed, look in the mirror and feel like your clothes don't reflect who you are inside?

In this episode of Becoming Fearless, I speak with Helen Reynolds, a personal style consultant who emphasises the importance of feeling good in one's body and clothes. Helen shares her journey from the glitzy world of magazines to finding her calling in helping others elevate their self-worth through fashion. She opens up about overcoming identity struggles, especially after becoming a mother, and how these experiences fuelled her passion for empowering others to express their authentic selves through clothing.

The conversation explores themes of self-worth, empowerment, and the emotional journeys that clients take when going through this work.


Instagram: www.instagram.com/helenreynoldsstyle
Facebook: www.facebook.com/helenreynolds.net
Website: https://helenreynoldsstyle.com

Helen's book recommendation: You Are Not A Before Picture by Alex Light


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Becoming Fearless, the personal growth podcast for you if you are ready to overcome fear and step into your greatness. Our purpose is to help you overcome your limits, have loads of fun along the way, unlocking your fullest potential in life, business, health and relationships every single day. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I'm your host, charlotte Carter, a high-performance coach and entrepreneur with over 20 years experience. I've supported many highly driven, talented people like you who dream big and are ready to take action to overcome what's holding them back. Each week, my guests and I will be sharing hacks and habits on how to build self-belief, courage and confidence, to master your mindset and navigate your emotions so that you can reach your human potential in a way that feels light, fun and easeful and helps you become fearless. Let's go.

Speaker 1:

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of Becoming Fearless. I am excited to bring this guest episode to your ears today. I'm excited for this conversation to unfold and I really want you to tune in to what it is that you really receive when you listen to this episode because I know people have been listening to guest ones and taking different takeaways and really tune in to the conversation that Helen and I are going to have, because it's here to help you, it's here to educate you and it's here to highlight things that are here to help you. It's here to educate you and it's here to highlight things that are going to help you move forward in your journey, whether it's overcoming fear, whether it's understanding yourself more, whether it's something completely different. So my guest today is a lady called Helen Reynolds. Helen, would you like to introduce yourself and let people know a little bit about what you do?

Speaker 2:

Thank you, I'd love to so. I am a personal style consultant and I think what's maybe different about me is that I care more about how somebody feels in their body and feels in the clothes that they wear and the impact that has on their life and their confidence, more than the clothes they're actually wearing. It just so happens that I create this transformation using the clothes, so I'm very tuned into what's going to suit somebody. But, as I say, the end result is more about how they transform internally when they know that they look the way they want to look and feel the way they want to feel.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be a juicy conversation, isn't super juicy conversation. I'm getting myself ready for a photo shoot next week, so this, all this sort of thing is all in the forefront. So let's um go back. Um, unless you have always done this kind of work, let's go back to kind of like what, what allowed you to step into this kind of work? Um, take the, take the listeners just on a whistle stop tour of how you got to where you are okay, whistle stop tour.

Speaker 2:

So I never in a million years would have thought I'd end up doing this work. It was never an ambition or a goal or anything I was even that interested in, or even, to be fair, anything I even knew existed. I thought stylists for the rich and famous, you know, um. So I went to university, did a business and languages degree, I started working for a glossy magazine publisher and I think that's one of the first points in my life where I started to question how valid I was. You know, was I wearing the right things?

Speaker 2:

I worked for glossy magazines like Cosmopolitan, good Housekeeping and Harper's and Queen, as it was called in those days, and because of the nature of the titles, the workforce was predominantly female and in my eyes they were really intimidating and glamorous and fashionable and I spent a lot of time and a lot of money on clothes while I was working there. I worked there for many, many years trying to achieve what I wanted to achieve in terms of how I looked, but how I felt Like, did I feel good enough to be there? And sometimes I got it right and many times I didn't, but I never knew when it didn't work, why. And I don't know if any of your listeners will resonate with this, but when something was lovely and didn't work, I told myself it was because I wasn't enough. Look, I told myself it was because I wasn't enough, so my body was wrong, or I wasn't pretty enough, or I wasn't slim enough or cool enough, whatever, in order to look like the other women. And of course, now I know that's not the case, but I worked there for many years and then I left and had my children, had my babies, of course.

Speaker 2:

Then my life changed again, body changed, lifestyle changed. Didn't know what to wear as a mum, you know, I wasn't putting my work clothes on anymore and I just stumbled across an advert for an image consultant who lived locally and I went along and I was so excited that this was accessible for, you know, everyday women. And along I went full of excitement as I tend to do with everything in life, I get overexcited about everything and I went in and I had the session and I found I felt so vulnerable in the session and the first thing I did was have my colours analysed and I had to take my makeup off, which in those days was quite traumatic for me and I was sat in front of this huge mirror and she was putting these colours next to my face and frowning and staring at me intently. And again my voice in my head was like god, I don't suit any of these colors or this isn't for me. This is going to be so awkward when she says there's nothing that suits you. And eventually she did come up with a solution, and I now know that wasn't correct, but I didn't know it back then and I did end up going back to her for another couple of things, and it was.

Speaker 2:

I was talking to my husband about it and I said I'm so disappointed because I was so excited about this and it just wasn't what I thought it would be. And his response was well, why don't you set up a business doing that? Then? And I said well, I have no idea how to start. And he said well, you pray, you do your training. And he said but in terms of your personality, you're so good at motivating people to make change. You're always seeing the best in people. You're really. People feel really uplifted when they spend time with you.

Speaker 2:

And the more I looked into it, the more I was like oh, my god, I really like the sound of this and I was about ready to go back to work. You know, my boys were quite little so it was something I could do around the kids and all of that. And the more I looked into it, the more I realized this was my career. And instead of going into one of the big group programs you can do with the big color companies, I went with an individual, a private style consultant, to do one-to-one training, to train at the highest level, because I knew if I was going to do this I was going to make a difference. I wasn't going to be somebody sitting there frowning at my clients. I wanted it to be a really special, transformational experience. And that was 15 years ago, so you know I haven't looked back.

Speaker 1:

It professional experience, and that was 15 years ago, so you know I haven't looked back. It's been exactly the right career path for me. I love that. So let's just touch on a few of the things that you've said.

Speaker 1:

So, first of all, 87% of female entrepreneurs have this not good enough thread. It's something that I've talked about many times, this enoughness piece. So if you're listening and you have that, definitely keep listening because there will be more revealed. But also just take note that that is something that there, um, there's an empowerment piece and a self-belief piece, a confidence piece, a internal um validation piece. There's lots of piece moving parts with that, so it's not like one big answer that's going to give you your um solution. But it's also the one of the biggest things that I learned on that journey is that you are enough full stop.

Speaker 1:

So stop searching, stop seeking or any that and when you own that piece, then things like what's happened with helen, like the universe has delivered all these different things in a way that feels right for her, where, where people have shown her things and it's not quite landed, or things have come into her, where, into her path and, um, you know, alongside support from a husband saying why don't you do it? Um, her belief and knowing herself at that stage for certain. I think this is where what I'm deducing helen, 15 years ago you knew yourself enough to know that actually going into a group, setting um amongst the masses and learning maybe more of a um, cookie cutter approach type thing was not going to be the way that you were going to get to the level that you wanted to, to create the impact. So you had that awareness and I just want to pull it in for the listeners. See what awareness you're getting in as you keep listening to helen.

Speaker 1:

I talk about this because there are lots of nuggets and it'll be one to keep listening to as we progress, to see where you are on this journey, because you're all fabulous, you all can do whatever you want in life, but it's about releasing some element of who am I to be able to do that and then stepping into what you really think. What you really feel is the right thing. So let's talk about what happened in the early days 15 years ago, and you had got yourself fully trained and and then what happened next?

Speaker 2:

so I decided to launch my business. I was a bit worried about how this was going to work, but I planned it all out and I had a little garden party. I invited 10 friends and asked them all to bring somebody I don't know and they all rocked up and the heaven, the you know the weather agreed, you know the weather. It was a lovely sunny evening. We had sparkling wine and whatever, and I did a little presentation, which I was a bit nervous about doing, but I was so passionate about the difference it could make that again I stepped up and I just thought I just knew I had to do these scary things in order to get where I wanted to be. So I did a little demonstration, a little presentation about what I was doing, what I was offering, and I had a couple of brave friends sit there and be my model so I could show how the different colors worked and things like that. And um, and I got, I got eight bookings that night and then, of course, as soon as you've got your bookings in, they come back for the next step or they tell their friends or their sisters or whatever. And I'm not pretending that 15 years ago I had a launch party and my diary was fully booked forever.

Speaker 2:

There's definitely been periods where business has been really difficult. I don't think I've ever well, I haven't. I've never questioned was this the right path for me? It's a I knew this was my path. They're very lucky to have found this path. But there's been times where it's been a real struggle to get the clients.

Speaker 2:

But I think every business owner goes through that. Until you find what your thing is and you start marketing in the right way and you know, these days, things are. You know, these days I'm always looking for more. I don't know if this resonates with you, but my clients tend to want more. They're not satisfied with life as it is. They're like what's the next thing? How could I be better at this? What could I? How could I be better at having more free time or squeezing the juice out of life? And so I feel like that in my business. Now I'm at a stage where it works. I have regular clients, I have new clients, but I'm like what else can I do? How else can I inspire? What's the next thing? I'm always looking to improve.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Let's talk a little bit about the knowing, and I've got some questions that are coming in for me around what you've been saying. So you had this knowing that this was the right path. How would you describe that for people who, like I, have a knowing for myself? But how would you describe it for you? Because I think it is quite individual when you, when you hook on to it.

Speaker 2:

I mean I feel it in my body right now. Even you just saying how do you know I'm like I know. I mean on the days when I used to be sitting here going where am I going to get my next client from, I didn't know. But the reason I know and I feel it is because when I'm with a client and I get the feedback from the client and you know, when I'm with a client, I am with that client Like not at all, like the opposite to my experience all those years ago when I was being a client.

Speaker 2:

I am with them, I'm feeling what they're feeling. I'm very empathic. I feel in a room it can be exhausting because I'm feeling everybody's feelings. But in a client situation that is so important because I really feed off how they're feeling. And when they give me the feedback or they leave my studio or leave a Zoom call, feeling excited like they're clapping their hands with excitement. And I'm clapping my hands with excitement and it's a fizzing. It's like I feel so lucky that I found my thing. But it's that comes when I'm doing the thing. When I'm sitting here marketing and doing the finances, I'm not feeling that strongly.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a really great point and thank you so much for sharing that, because this is something that I, um, I know I know exactly what, um, what experience you're talking about, because I've experienced it myself.

Speaker 1:

But I totally understand that there's elements in the business where people like this bit is just not lighting me up. Do I really want to do it? And it's that. It's just that that task, whatever it is whether it's your accounts, whether it's marketing, whether it's sales, whatever that task that is part of the business that task isn't lighting you up. But if you ask yourself, why do you do what you do? Um, what is it like when it's just you and the client, that's where you will start to build the muscle of intuition and build the, the momentum around knowing about what it is that you do and why you do it, and and that will help you propel you to do some of the stuff that feels tough and hard and like you're wading through treacle, because it allows you to remember and that's when you yeah, that's when you listen, when you're feeding off your clients and you're hearing some of the same things over and over, and then you bring that into your marketing and that's then who you attract back in, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

it's like you've got to know, you've got to have that experience to really understand who you want to work with here, with the words they're using, put them back out there, and then it comes back to you yeah.

Speaker 1:

I found that fascinating yeah, it is, it's um. I find that fascinating too, because I believe everybody's so unique. But you have patterns of behavior with people, don't you? That you see time and time and time again, and once you hook onto those words and get them out, then you just get more of those people, which is just a great feeling.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about some of the things that, um, people might experience when, before they sign up to you, before they come into your place, I imagine some people have you know, I imagine, and I know personally, for me it, when I've had this done, it's it was quite an emotional, quite a deep, quite a vulnerable journey and then like super exciting and like, oh my god, I can't believe this at the end. But what are the people like at the beginning? If people are listening and thinking that you know what, maybe I need to have a call with Helen, because maybe this is something that is just going to really help me with this, this, this and this, whatever's going on with their life. What are they like before they come?

Speaker 2:

there's so many things. So often I find the catalyst or what you know, the thing that makes them book a call to talk about working together is, um, often it's some kind of change in their lives. So sometimes it's a lifestyle change, like the career change. Sometimes it's, um, something to do with family, like either having children, or often for me, it's kids leaving home you know, empty nest or retirement and just finding themselves in a new, in a new place and just not feeling like the way they dress is right for who they are today. Sometimes it's she.

Speaker 2:

They get to a point where they are so sick of not having the right clothes, choosing what to wear being such a stress like I'm going to an event on Saturday. What the hell am I going to wear? Haven't got the right thing. They dash out, they panic by something they don't feel good in it. It's a waste of money. It hangs in the wardrobe forevermore, making them feel guilty that they spent money on it and didn't really enjoy wearing it. It's never going to be worn again and it's the sheer frustration that shouldn't be this difficult to get dressed and also, um, this feeling.

Speaker 2:

Often people will say to me I'm going to book in with you when I've lost. I'm going to lose a stone in the next few months. So when I've lost my stone, I'll come to you and, of course, that stone may or may not come off. But the messaging I try and get across is don't wait. Like if you know that getting dressed and buying the clothes that you want to buy isn't easy, or having the outfits available in your wardrobe isn't easy, don't wait for anything else. Just get on and learn it, because it doesn't have the most often feedback I hit.

Speaker 2:

The feedback I have most often is why didn't I do this 10 years ago? But I've wasted 10 years wasting money on clothes. What happens is they want to buy good quality clothes and I'm not talking designer, necessarily, I'm talking decent quality clothes but they stop buying decent quality clothes because they're so sick of making the mistakes. So they start buying a jumper in Tesco's because they're doing the weekly shop and that is a nice color or whatever, and they'll buy it. And again, I'm not dissing buying clothes in Tesco's. I don't really care where anybody buys their clothes. I care that they're buying clothes that excite them and make them feel the way they want to feel. And so when people get to the point of where they whether, like I just have to do this now, I can't carry on like this anymore.

Speaker 1:

Then they learn what to look out for in terms of colour, going to make them feel the way they want to feel, rather than, you know, not honoring their body and putting crappy, you know, clothes that have been made in sweatshops on their body that don't feel good because they don't want to waste the money and and I think there's a, there's a real piece um with people that I've worked with, that are in this space, um that maybe maybe I've worked with them before they've come to work with somebody like yourself there's a piece around their self-worth, there's a piece around their confidence, there's a piece around body image and all of those kind of things.

Speaker 1:

And I think there's definitely a place where, for some people, coming to you is definitely the greatest eye-opener because, as you said right at the beginning, it is not necessarily the clothes. It's about how they feel about themselves and it's the empowerment piece and it's the journey and it's the self-love and it's the um validation to themselves and nobody else and all of those kind of things, and it's um understanding that they're priceless, no matter what, uh anything else is going on in their life. So let me know, and let the listeners know a little bit about what are the ways that you can help people, what are the ways that you work with people now that you've got your business up and running, with these fabulous people coming to work with you, some keep coming back, some new people. What are the options that are available for people if they're listening?

Speaker 2:

So I work online and in person. Before COVID I only ever worked in person. I have no desire to go online but I had to and it worked and actually it's made it more accessible for people wherever they live. But I have a studio at my home in West Sussex, close to Horsham, and so I see private clients in my studio for what I call a transformation session, and that's a half day session where they bring some items from their wardrobe and we do everything. We do all of the analysis there. So I do color analysis and I smile at my clients in the mirror while we're deciding what works for them. I don't make them feel bad.

Speaker 2:

We look at body shape in a really kind, accepting, nurturing way. No one, no one ever feels vulnerable or that anything's wrong. I embrace. I think everybody is unique and everybody's beautiful and I show them what's beautiful about them, because often they don't know so body shape. Then we do their style so they know the fabrics and the details on clothing and the looks that are right for them, because what a lot of women do is they completely change their style according to where they're going or what they're doing, and so if you were to look in their wardrobe. It looks like their wardrobe might belong to 10 different women, different sizes, and all the rest of it. So it's like getting that, scrapping that and working out what their style is and how to accessorize and those things. And then we look at what they brought along with them and decide whether they're right, whether they could be styled differently, or whether actually they're not right at all.

Speaker 2:

Um, so that's that would be. The first step would be either an in-person transformation session or I now also offer that online. And then, once they've done that, I also have, um, I do personal shopping, which is my favorite thing to do take people around the shops to the right brands for their budget, for their style, find them the outfits, show them how else they could wear these pieces, um, in different ways. And I also do wardrobe edits.

Speaker 2:

Depending on where people are, I say I'll travel a couple of hours and go in and help them work through what they've already got and make the most of what they've already got and help them decide that, yes, this really can go because it really isn't right for you. And then I also have an online program, so I have a. It's called the style plan and that's a way that people can learn everything that I do in a transformation session, but they do it in their own time online. And then there's some group support calls that come with that as well, so I'm more accessible than ever now, thanks to COVID, you know, having all these different ways of being able to work with people all around the world, which is so exciting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's really, really exciting and there's I imagine there is um different price points for all of those services. So people can you can meet people where they're at in terms of the investment piece. What is the um? What is the piece that you really adore about your work?

Speaker 2:

what is the? I mean so much of it. The piece really is. It's almost like I see a woman grow in front of me and I know most people don't want to think about themselves growing, but I see them the way they walk into my studio or into a fitting room to try something on and the way they come out when they see themselves in the mirror. And it's not this.

Speaker 2:

You know, we all used to love all those tv shows where they transformed people and put everybody in spanks and everybody in high heels and everybody in belts cinching in their waist, like that was sort of sensationalized and most people don't want to wear that every single day because we want flat shoes and we don't want to wear spanks. So it's not that kind of transformation, it's just showing them this is you like, that was you. But this is, this is the more you, this is you being more you, showing your personality and being able to elicit that through the work idea. I can't tell you how incredible it feels to take somebody and, within not a very long time, go. Yeah, this is you, Look at you and and just see them feeling it is. It's incredible.

Speaker 1:

So the best part is probably in the shops when I've got them in an outfit and they're just like oh yes, that is you yeah, because I guess that's the piece where it all comes together, because that's the piece where they can start to see, I imagine, that they can do this on their own, that actually they can yeah, and that they are gorgeous, yeah, yeah, because we don't believe it about ourselves until someone shows us.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a real big piece, isn't it? Especially for so many women. There's a piece around, uh, hiding or denying or not accepting or not believing that you, you know everything about you, is phenomenal, in whatever way, shape or form we're looking at it and what lens we're looking at it. But I imagine for certain that there's definitely. If I was you in that role, I would definitely be quite emotional at that piece, because there's that transformation for so many people is priceless. They may never have had it before, they may never have been able to feel that exactly, and it's not just that they're looking in the mirror and feeling great.

Speaker 2:

It's what that then brings. So it's like more confidence at work, more confidence in their relationships, more likely to say yes to opportunities, have more fun, like it opens up this whole. They end up with a bigger world almost when they feel it in their bodies Like they are not just good enough, they are fabulous, and it's just the start, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

So what's the piece? Like you said at the beginning, what's the piece for you? This, what's the more piece? I'm intrigued. What's the piece for you now? Do you think what's next?

Speaker 2:

What would next? What would you love to do next, would it? Well, I'm about to do something that's a bit scary for me, a big sort of step up for me, which is to I'm speaking at a multi-speaker event with, you know, sort of 100 people in the audience. So I've never done that before and I won't have the security of my slides with notes. So I remember what I'm saying. I've got to learn it. I've got my presentation down. I'm actually really excited to deliver it now that I've written it. So that's, that's me getting really visible. I'm really happy being visible online. I'm really happy running my own events or running events for other people, but standing on a big speaker stage with multi speakers, that's my next kind of you know, let's, let's do that and see how that feels.

Speaker 1:

I have a feeling I'm going love it. Yeah, I have a feeling you're gonna love it. And it's a massive growth uh place standing on stage for certain. I remember do well, I've done it many times, but I remember that first time when I was feeling a little bit like you're describing and thinking you know, I'm really excited, but it's something, just something, new, isn't it? And as soon as you leap in and jump in, everything feels um, it opens up the doors to the next level of expansion and growth, doesn't it?

Speaker 2:

I'm excited for it. It's how we grow exactly. It's easy to sit there going. My business works, I won't try and I won't put myself out of my comfort zone, and then you remember you have to do that every now and again, just to keep growing yeah, so I have really, really enjoyed this conversation and I know our listeners will.

Speaker 1:

What are the best ways for people to get a hold of you if they're like do you know what? I have listened to you, helen, and this is the time I need to have a call.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so on my website, which is HelenReynoldsStylecom, there is a get in touch form so you can type out, tell me a bit about yourself and we can book a 45 minutes complimentary call to see where you're at and see which of my services could work best for you. I'm very happy to receive emails. If someone's got a quick question, you can do that through my website. And if you want to follow me on socials, on Instagram I'm at Helen Reynolds style and on Facebook I am the same Helen Reynolds style, so it's nice and easy, love it, and all of the details will be below underneath this podcast.

Speaker 1:

So if you're listening, you can just go there, click on the link and fill out the form and have a conversation with Helen, and remember everybody that I have on Becoming Fearless. They they exude no judgment, so don't, don't hold yourself back. Just be honest. It's always a safe place. I don't have people on this podcast that I don't trust in that way.

Speaker 1:

So always notice that your fear might come up when you're filling in the form, whatever the form is, um, but know that actually, if you have that intuitive nudge to have a conversation, then the form is just part of the process and just to help helen. So the last question that I ask all of my guests, which I am really keen to know with you, is a book that you have read during your life, shall we say, that's made a difference, has made an impact for you to be able to. You know, keep being brave, keep putting yourself in new experiences, allowing yourself to grow and further impact more and more people in the work that you do and further impact more and more people in the work that you do.

Speaker 2:

I think for me it's not even a business book. It's a book about what we've talked about, actually called you Are Not a Before Picture by a lady called Alex Light, and although, intellectually, we all now know that we don't need to be a certain size or we don't need to deny ourselves food and all of those things, we know that intellectually, what you know. People are talking about that now, but it really brought home to me how much is still ingrained in so many of us, especially if we grew up with, you know, I grew up with the era of the super, the stick, thin supermodels and I didn't think I was that, um, concerned about my body particularly. But because of the ladies that I work with, I read this book and I was just like, oh my god, I've still got, I still had, before I read the book, so much ingrained. My body should be like this and it's not good to do that and I'm going to be good today.

Speaker 2:

But I was a bit naughtier. All of that absolute nonsense and the fact that she's talking about you are not a before picture, like don't, don't think about before and after, like you are who you are today and nothing about your body is wrong and nothing needs to change. And reading that book made me believe that on a deep level, not just think it on an intellectual level, like I really felt that I've recommended it to so many of my clients to really just be accepting and loving to your body because it's the only one you've got and it doesn't need to change.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I am definitely going to reach out and read that book because it sounds um well. It sounds like one that I um lots of my clients will um benefit from, for certain, I imagine. I imagine most people would benefit from that, no matter what your journey is in relation to your body, cause it's probably got a lot of um aha moments. And I just love the title of it. It's gripped me from the title. So, thank you so so much, helen. I have really really loved chatting with you.

Speaker 1:

I would definitely say to people reach out to Helen. If it's something that you feel like it's going to really help you. And, like Helen said earlier on and I would totally confirm this if you've listened to this episode and you're like, do you know what? I know this is going to really help me, then Please do reach out to Helen.

Speaker 1:

Don't wait till you've lost half a stone, two stone. Don't wait till you've lost half a stone, two stone. Don't wait till you've got any more um further in your journey of life, or that you want to learn more or finish something off, or till the kids have gone back to um the next year of school or whatever, because life bypasses it. It goes so, so quick and before you know it, you're at a completely different stage, and I don't ever want anybody to have those. You know, I wish, I wish I'd have done this. So if you're listening and Helen seems like she is somebody who's going to help where you are, whether you're stuck in this, then please do reach out to her. So thank you so. So much, helen. Anything else to add?

Speaker 2:

No, just. Thank you so much for your really thoughtful questions. It's been a really interesting conversation. I've loved it, thank you.

Speaker 1:

You are so, so welcome. So thank you so much. Listeners, Like I say, reach out to Helen. If this is something that appeals to you, I will definitely be following her and allowing my clients to know about all her brilliance as well. So take care and I will see you all on the next episode. Thank you for tuning into this week's episode. I hope that you're feeling energised, fearless and inspired to take action today, to stand in your greatness. I share even more tools and resources on my I Dare to Leap email newsletter. By signing up, you not only get early access to the I Dare to Leap products and services, but you also get brand new podcast episodes delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, meaning you'll never miss your weekly dose of Becoming Fearless energy. Sign up now at wwwidaretoleapcom. Forward slash newsletter or click the link in the show notes below.

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